J&K Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2023 Important instructions
J&K Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2023 Important instructions.
Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission information for all eligible candidates that the J&K Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2023, shall be conducted w.e.f. 26.03.2024 as per the date sheet/ Schedule already notified.
The Admit Cards will be available on the Commission’s website http:/www.jkpsc.nic.in. w.e.f. 23.03.2024. The candidates are advised to take a print out of the admit card well in advance to avoid last minute rush. In past, cases have been noticed where some candidates have faced difficulty in accessing the server on the last day on account of server overload.
The candidature of all the candidates appearing in the J&K Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2023, shall be purely provisional.
Claiming eligibility by misrepresentation, concealment of any material fact(s) or impersonation or fraud, his/her candidature shall be cancelled and he/she will be liable to disciplinary action by the Commission.
The Commission reserves the right to cancel the candidature of any candidate found ineligible at any stage of Selection Process at which such ineligibility shall be detected.
Further, the candidates are advised to adhere to the following instructions during the examination:-
1. Due to four tier Security/frisking at the examination venue, all the candidates shall report at the examination venue at least 01 hour before the commencement of the Examination.
2. Candidates shall carry Admit Card alongwith photo identity card viz. Driving License, Pan/Aadhar card etc. in the allotted examination centre to secure admission to the examination hall and show it to the Supervisory staff on duty as and when required/ demanded.
3. Do not write anything related or un-related to Examination on the Admit Card.
4. Entry to the Examination Venue shall be closed 30 minutes before the commencement of the Examination. Candidates should be seated in the Examination Hall 20 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
5. Candidates should carefully read the instructions given on the Admit Card.
6. The Candidates are responsible for safe custody of their admission card and in the event of any other person using this card, the onus to prove that candidates have not used the services of any impersonator shall lie on him/her.
7. Before entering into the campus of the Examination Hall, the candidates may ensure that they are not in possession of the Mobile Phone, other electronic/communication/Bluetooth devices or any unauthorized/incriminating material. In case any candidate is found in possession of any unauthorized material during the examination, he/she shall be disqualified for such examination(s).
8. The candidates shall be photographed at the entry points of the Examination Venue before they enter into the Examination Hall.
9. If any candidate appear at a centre/venue other than the one notified/allotted by the Commission, his/her Question Cum Answer Booklet shall not be evaluated and his/her candidature will be liable to cancellation.
10. The candidate should bring their own instruments viz. blue/black ball point pen etc. no borrowing or exchange of articles would be allowed in the examination hall.
11. The candidate shall not be permitted to leave the examination hall until expiry of full time.
12. In Examination hall, the candidate shall be provided a Question Cum Answer Booklet. Candidate should read the instructions carefully given on the Question Cum Answer Booklet.
13. The candidate should check that the Question-cum-Answer Booklet issued to him/her is not mutilated or damaged or having less number of pages than specified and if so, ask for its replacement immediately.
14. No separate sheet (continuation sheet) shall be provided to any candidate.
15. The sheets left blank should be crossed by the candidate himself/herself.
16. The candidate should make their own arrangements of boarding and lodging, PSC shall not defray any TA/DA expenses.
17. The candidature to examination is provisional, subject to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria.
18. Candidates are advised to keep in mind the weather advisory and reach the examination centre well in time to avoid any inconvenience.
No application for change of Centre shall be entertained.
Furthermore, concerned Invigilators deployed by the Supervisors for such duty may ensure that the above instructions issued to the candidates are followed by the candidates strictly. Any laxity on part of the invigilation staff shall be viewed seriously.
Attention Please :
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