Tag: Demonstrator

JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.

Jammu College of Physiotherapy Jobs.

Jammu College of Physiotherapy Jobs. Lecturer,  Demonstrator, Clinical Therapist Vacancies. Jammu College of Physiotherapy invites applications are for the following Posts. Interested Candidates can send their complete Biodata by 11th Sept. 2023 or mail us at jammucollegeofphysiotherapy@gmail.com. S. No. Subject Post Qualification 1. Pathology Lecturer MD 2. Medicine Lecturer MD 3. Surgery Lecturer MS 4.

GMC Rajouri Jobs Recruitment 2023.

GMC Rajouri Jobs Recruitment 2023. Senior Resident, Tutor, Demonstrator, Registrar Jobs Applications on the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates/ doctors who are citizens of India for engagement as Senior Resident/Tutor/Demonstrator/ Registrar in different disciplines of Govt. Medical College Rajouri on Academic Arrangement basis. How to apply: Candidates interested in applying can download the

GMC Kathua Jobs Senior Resident/Demonstrator posts.

GMC Kathua Jobs Senior Resident/Demonstrator posts. GMC Kathua jobs: Applications are invited from PSC and Non-PSC doctors (Domicile of UT of J&K) for the tenure posts of Senior Resident/Demonstrator in various disciplines of Govt. Medical College, Kathua. The details of the posts are as under: (A) Senior Residents: General Medicine 06 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases

Govt Dental College Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2022.

Govt Dental College Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2022. Online application forms from the domicile of Union Territory of J&K are invited for the tenure post of Registrar, Tutor and Demonstrator in the below mentioned discipline of the College as per the relevant rules in vogue for an initial period of one (1) year, further extendable on

Selection of Demonstrator in GMC Srinagar.

Selection of Demonstrator in the Department of Pathology of Government Medical College, Srinagar. Consequent upon resignation of Dr. Sharefa Akhter, Demonstrator (Non PSC) Department of Pathology, Government Medical College, Srinagar and pursuant to the recommendation of Selection Committee which met on 19th March 2020, Dr. Harminder Kour who stand at Serial No. 01 in the
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