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GMC Srinagar Jobs recruitment 2022 Registrar post GMC Srinagar Jobs Applications on the prescribed format are invited from the In-service/not Inservice doctors eligible candidates for the post of Registrar on a tenure basis) in the following disciplines. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. S. NO. 1.
GMC, Registrars Post Interview Notice. It is notified for the information of all candidates who have applied for the tenure post of Registrars in the disciplines of Surgery in response to this office Advertisement Notices No. 192 of 2022 Dated. 19.05.2022 that their interview will be held on 11-11-2022 at 10:30 AM in the office
GMC, Anantnag Jobs 2022. Online Application forms are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement against the post of (MMPHW/FMPHW)under NHM on a contractual basis at Associated Hospital GMC Anantnag initially for a period of one year extendable on yearly basis subject to good performance and conduct of the candidate or till the continuation of
IMHANS Kashmir Selection list of MO, Counsellor & Nurse. Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences Kashmir Hiring services of Medical Officer, Counsellor & Nurse for DTC, IMHANS-K- Selection list thereof. In response to the advertisement notice published vide no. 01 of 2022, dated 26.08.2022 through Print & Electronic Media withregard to hiring services of Medical
GMC Udhampur Jobs Recruitment 2022 | Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Vacancies. GMC Udhampur Jobs Applications on plain paper (Typed) are invited from eligible candidates (Domicile of JK UT) (Non-PSC/Retired) for engagement on an “Academic Arrangement basis” in the below-mentioned disciplines in Govt. Medical College(GMC), Udhampur. Selection: The selection of the candidates for the advertised
GMC Srinagar Interview schedule. Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professors/Lecturers and Epidemiologist cum Lecturer GMC Srinagar Interview schedule. notified for the information of all those candidates, (Non-PSC), who have applied in response to this Office AdvertisementNotice No. 25-GS of 2022 Dated. 12-03-2022 followed by Addendum issued under No. GS-MC/All-Advt/FM/2022/526-32 Dated. 23-03-2022, and Advertisement notice No. 26-GS of 2022
GMC Srinagar Selection List of Registrar/Demonstrator. Govt Medical College Selection List for the tenure post Registrar/Demonstrator in various Departments of Government Medical College, Srinagar Whereas; vide this office Advertisement Notice issued under No’s. 192 of 2022 Dated. 19.05.2022 & 04 of 2022 Dated: 16-08-2022 applications were invited for filling up of the tenure posts of
GMC Recruitment Jobs 2022 Executive Director post. The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) is an organization, established by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, to conduct PostGraduate Examinations of high standards in the. field of Modern Medicine and allied specialties at National Level. Name of the Post: Executive
GMC Jammu Jobs Registrars / Demonstrators Posts. GMC Jammu Jobs Applications are invited from PSC/ Non-PSC doctors for the tenure post of Registrars /Demonstrators in the following disciplines of this college for a maximum period of three years as per SRO-25 of 2013 dated 28-01-2013 The said applications forms are available in the prescribed form
GMC Anantnag Senior Residents Selection list. Govt Medical College GMC Anantnag Pursuant to the recommendations of the designated selection committee for the conduct of interview for the post of Senior Residents in Government Medical College, Anantnag vides adv. notice no. 61 Gmca of 2022 dated: 20.06.2022 and 64 Gmca of 2022 Dated 24.06 2022 which