Tag: Kashmir Recruitment

JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.

 Khyber Agro Farms Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021.

Khyber Agro Farms Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021. Khyber Agro Farms Pvt. Ltd Srinagar kashmir invites interested eligibile candidate for various jobs in Kashmir. Khyber Agro Farms Kashmir Jobs details 1. Point In-charge (ADO) Qualification:B.com with Min 6 months diploma in Computers Job Requirements: This job requires a candidate who is willing to work early morning, The job

SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021.

SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021. Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir Project Assistant Jobs Notification complete details. SKUAST Kashmir invites applications on plain paper giving full details of the academic qualifications and research experience are invited for the post of Project Assistant under SEED-DST Funded Research Project (SEED/TITE/2019/87). SKUAST -K Jobs details

Master Mechanics Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2020.

Master Mechanics Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2020. Various private jobs in Srinagar Kashmir. Venue: New Dreamland Educational Institute Beehama, Ganderbal. Interested candidates can send their resumes within three days with their latest photograph. Also carry hard copy of resume for interview. Email: m.ahmad@mastermechanics.in Visit us at: www.mastemechanics.in For any query please contact at: 9999380102 MASTER MECHANICS

Kashmir Harvard Educational Institute Job Recruitment 2020.

Kashmir Harvard Educational Insititute Job Recruitment 2020 | Hiring Animator | Jobs Update. Looking for an Animator to create academic content using 2D, 3D animation videos for academic concepts. Vacancies Details: Animator Roles & Responsibilities • Developing animation content from the school’s perspective. • Creating storyboards that depict the script and narrative. • Drawing in

Khyber Agro Farms Pvt. Ltd. Kashmir Recruitment 2020

Khyber Agro Farms Pvt. Ltd. Kashmir Recruitment 2020 Khyber Milk Kashmir are looking for a Marketing Manager who will be responsible for the following job duties (But not limited to): Working with the executive team, such as the managing director, to set the marketing strategy for the business. Managing the performance of a more junior

IHM Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2020.

Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition IHM Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2020. Applications on prescribed form are invited for the post of Administrative-cum-Accounts Officer in the pay level-10. The details of the post are as under:. How to apply IHM Srinagar. The interested candidates may visit Institute website www.ihmsrinagar.edu.in or www.nchm.nic.in. The last

Kashmir Motors Jobs Recruitment 2019.

Kashmir Motors Jobs Recruitment 2019. Kashmir Motors walk in interview Kashmir Motors Jobs Details. 1)  Computer  Operator  (M/F)  4  Positions 2)  Calling  Executive  (F)  1  Position 3)  Sales  Executive  (M)  2  Positions Total Posts 7 Qualification:  10+2/Graduate  with  knowledge  of  computers Freshers  can  also  apply “SALARY:  NEGOTIABLE”  Come  along  with  your  updated  resume Interview  Venue:  Kashmir

Institute of Hotel Management IHM Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2019.

Institute of Hotel Management IHM Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2019. Applications on prescribed form are invited from citizens of India possessing the following qualifications for appointment as Assistant System Administrator on a contractual basis. Initially, the contract shall be for a period of 03 months, extendable for further reasonable time, depending upon the performance of the
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