JKSSB Class-IV Cancellation of withheld recommendation.
JKSSB Class-IV Cancellation of withheld recommendation.
JKSSB Final Selection List-cum-Allocation of Cadres & Departments for remaining Class-IV Posts under the provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Appointment to Class-IV (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2020, advertised vide Notification No. 01 of 2020 dated 26.06.2020-Cancellation of withheld recommendation and debarment for a period of one year.
Order No. 183-SSB of 2024
Dated: 08.05.2024
Whereas, the Final Selection List for 3422 Class-IV posts, under Phase-II, in District/Divisional/Union Territory Cadres, advertised vide Notification No. 01 of 2020 dated 04.06.2020, was notified by the Board vide Notification No. SSB/Secy/Sel/Class-IV/2021/6202-09 dated 06.10.2022, and the same was forwarded to the General Administration Department vide letter No. SSB/Secy/Sel/Class-IV/2021-6273-78 dated 18.10.2022; and
Whereas, among others, Mr. Aayaz Hussain Doie S/o Maneer Ahmad Doie R/o Tangmarg, Damhal, Kulgam, figured in the Selection List at Serial No. 2179, ST Category, having Roll No. 261447225126, in District Cadre, Kulgam in School Education Department with his recommendation withheld subject to clarification regarding Casual Worker Certificate as per rules and clarification regarding maximum qualification; and
Whereas, the candidate submitted his Casual Worker Certificate issued by Divisional Forest Officer, Kulgam and upon examination, a report was sought into its genuineness. In response, the Divisional Forest Officer, Kulgam, vide letter No.DFO/Spl/Kul/Acctts/1011-13 dated 10.11.2023, intimated that the said candidate namely Mr. Aayaz Hussain Doie S/o Maneer Ahmad Doie R/o Tangmarg, Damhal, Kulgam is not existing in any capacity viz; Casual Labour/ seasonal Labour/Need Based Worker/Daily Rated Worker/Consolidated Worker in their respective Ranges; and
Whereas, the matter was placed before the Board in its 247th meeting, which decided to cancel the withheld recommendation of the candidate for the aforesaid post, besides debarring him from applying for future posts as may be advertised by the JKSSB up-to a period of five years from the date of Order in this regard, after affording an opportunity of being heard to the candidate; and
Whereas, the JKSSB, vide letter No. JKSSB-ADM/29/2023-03 (E7293450) dated 08.01.2024, served a Notice to the candidate and in response, Mr. Aayaz Hussain Doie requested for taking a lenient view in his case; and
Whereas, the matter was again placed before the Board, in its 264th meeting, along-with the application, which decided as under:
“The Board, having regard to various aspects of the case and the representation of the candidate to waive off his debarment, reconsidered the matter and decided that the period of his debarment shall be one year from the date of order in this regard, instead of five years as decided initially. His cancellation in respect of these Class-IV posts shall, however, stand.”
Now, therefore, in view of the above facts of case and the decision of the Board, the withheld recommendation of Mr. Aayaz Hussain Doie S/o Maneer Ahmad Doie R/o Tangmarg, Damhal Kulgam, figuring at Serial No. 2179, ST Category, Roll No. 261447225126, District Cadre, Kulgam, in School Education Department for the Class-IV, advertised vide Notification No. 01 of 2020 dated 26.06.2020, is hereby cancelled. Further, the candidate is debarred from applying for future posts as may be advertised by the JKSSB for a period of one year from the date of issuance of this Order
Attention Please :
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